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Artículo de DANIEL HERRERA, Ideal, 26.08.2010 No son granadinos de origen. No están aquí para quedarse. Sin embargo, la imagen que se llevan de Granada puede definir a largo plazo el devenir de la ciudad como núcleo de estudiantes de todo el mundo y...

The Reconquista was a period of nearly 800 years (between 722 y 1492) during which several Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula succeeded in retaking (and repopulating) the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslim Al-Andalus Province. The Islamic conquest of the Christian Visigothic kingdom in the eighth...

  The discover of America  One of the most significant dates during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs was 12th October 1492: the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. The fact that Christopher Columbus (who was not originally Spanish) appealed to a foreign court to offer his services...

Casa-Museo de Federico García Lorca:   Federico García Lorca is one of Spain's best-known and most loved writers. A poet and dramatist, he was also a skilled painter, pianist and composer. The Huerta de San Vicente is the summer house where Lorca penned a number of...

Where:  Bar Casa López Correa (C/ Molinos) Price: free entry   Realejo Jam Session, organized by takes place every Friday at the bar / restaurant Casa Lopez Correa C / Molinos since November and has attracted some of the best musicians and singers from Granada who...

The results of the Spanish tests D.E.L.E. of May 2010, are now available on the site. To see the results, the candidates can go to:Portal de Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera / Candidatos: Consulta de calificaciones The Department of comercial negotiation of Instituto Cervantes is...

2011 D.E.L.E. EXAMS DATESMay 2011 Exam dates: May 20th and 21st, depending on the country Registration: from February 21st to April 15th, both inclusive. In Italy the registration period is from February 1st to March 31st, both inclusive. August 2011 Exam dates: Agust 19th, depending on the country Registration: from...

The US First Lady will visit the city of Granada, the former seat of Moorish rule in Spain which is located some 180 kilometres (110 miles) north of Marbella, on Thursday, a spokeswoman for the municipality said. She will take in the Alhambra fortress-palace,...

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