“22 segundos, el Burlador de Sevilla”, a play by Tirso de Molina, will be put on stage for the first time on the 1st of November in Almuñécar, in the auditorium of “Casa de la Cultura”. The play will then be proposed again on the 8th of November for the autumn season.
The director of the company, Antonio León, maintains that the lack of capital and the complex situation that strikes this industry turns this production into a challenge. What really supports the company however, which will turn 20 this year, is the audience and its trust in the meaning of theater.
Don Juan is one of the most emblematic characters of the Classic Theatre in Spain, and the play by Tirso de Molina is considered to be the source of the myth of the famous playboy, Don Juan. A lot of themes intertwine in this work, such as predestination, free will, good and evil, grace, friendship, love, honour, disrespect for authority, the contraposition between order and disorder etc.
The title “22 seconds” alludes to the number of scenes that compose the show, which go from the moment when D. Juan is aware of his death, to the moment when this occurs. The spectator will discover, along with the main character, the most important episodes of his life, in a succession of sensuality, cruelty, violence, love and fear, all feelings that are the driving force of every human being.
When: November 1st, 09:30 pm
Where: Casa de la Cultura de Almuñécar y Teatro José Martín Recuerda
Address: Calle Puerta de Granada, 19, 18690. Almuñécar (Granada)