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Boyz In The Hood…of Granada

The historic American film entitled Boyz N The Hood is going to be shown tomorrow, Tuesday the 10th of March. The movie was shot by John Singleton, who was only 24 when his work made its first appearance in the cinemas in 1991. His film was immediately a great success, indeed he was nominated at the Oscars for the best director prize and for the best original script. The protagonists of this movie are famous actors such as Cuba Gooding Jr., Ice Cube and Laurence Fishburne and it talks about the story of 3 boys who want to survive to the difficult life in the dangerous South Central suburb of Los Angeles. Moreover, another aspect that increased the success of this work is that the American critique associated this film to the pile of real and existent denounces of the worst areas there were in each American city; areas in which was almost impossible for the young Afro-Americans to grow up and reach the 30 years old.

This historic movie will be shown in the Entresuelo cinema, in Plaza de San Agustín, at 9:00p.m. and it will last 2 hours; the entrance is free until exhausting the seats.los-chicos-del-barrio

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