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May 2015 DELE Call

On the next 23rd of May is taking place in Granada the exams to obtain the DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera). As a DELE examination center in the city of Granada, Instituto Mediterráneo Sol organizes the different exams, written as oral, for all levels. In the same way, THREE EXAMINERS are taking part in the examination; they are teachers of our institute who received a specific formation by Instituto Cervantes to be accredited as examiners for the level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 and A2/B1 (scholastic). Their formation implies a familiarity with the fundamental exams in both candidate evaluation and students teaching and preparation through the Preparation Courses for DELE in our Instituto Mediterráneo Sol. With us, you can prepare for your DELE examination with the best guarantees of success.

More information about our courses of spanish DELE.


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