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From the 17th until the 26th of November Granada presents the “Hocus Pocus Festival“, a festival dedicated to magic.

This year the Festival hosts illusionists from every part of the world – from Japan, Canada, South Corea and many cities of Spain –who are going to offer us shows of magic in different places of Granada.


  • 22nd of November : MAHDI GILBERT (magician specialized in cards )


  • 23rd of November: LUIS OTERO (one of the best magicians on Latin America, who has also taken part to World Championship of magic)


  • 23rd of November: TÚ, KIMI Y YO (tribute to Jerry Lewis)

  • 24th of November: MR SNOW (Nuel Galan offer us a show about the life of one of the most famous illusionists of the world, Mr. Snow)


  • 25th of November: MAGIA… ¡Y ACCIÓN! (international gala of magic)


  • 26th of November:  CLOSE UP (different artists such as Shoot Ogawa, Mahdi Gilbert and Pipo Villanueva all together during an international gala of magic for the end of the festival)


  • 26th of November: ME LO PASO POMPA (Señor Pérez offers us a ventriloquism show).

You can find tickets in the web page of the festival or at Teatro Isabel La Católica. For more information, please visit the page:

Visit Granada and discover its magic!



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