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Jazz and Pop at El Corral del Carbón

September has successfully begun at El Corral del Carbón, which will host during the whole month pop and jazz concerts, with artists such as Sole Giménez and ex Presuntos Implicados. What El Corral aims to take to Granada is some great music by famous artists and other emerging singers and bands.

After August, which was dedicated to the art of Flamenco, September will be the month for jazz and pop at El Corral del Carbón, performed by Spanish and international performers.


Here’s the program:


Charlotte Dúo + Satélite Virginia – September 5th – 21.30, tickets: 10 €

S.U.E. + Red Passenger + Dr. Montañés – September 6th – 21.30, tickets: 10 €

Antonio González Quinteto – September 12th – 21.30, tickets: 8 €

Sole Giménez, con Iván ‘Melón’ Lewis – September 13th – 21.30, tickets: 12,50 €

Julián Sánchez New Quartet – September 14th – 21.30, tickets: 8 €


Prices vary in-between 8€ to 12€, and tickets can be purchased directly in El Corral del Carbón (every day, from 10 to 14 and from 18.30 to 22.30), or online at y

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