During the last period filled of events in the city of Granada, another attraction comes to liven up the people of Granada and tourists; the Granada football team is going to play against Barcelona FC. The team of Granada is in a predicament as it has totalized only 5 points in the last 5 matches and obviously the opponents are not the easiest to face to. The players will be moved by opposite causes as the two teams stand in the antipodean of the ranking, but we are all sure Granada CF will give Barcelona a hard time.
The match will take place on Saturday the 28th at 4:00p.m. in the stadium of Granada, the Nuevo Los Cármenes stadium. The prices for the subscribers will be 25€ for the box seats, 20€ for the preference sector and 15€ for the corners and the places behind the goals; while for those who did not buy the season ticket the prices will be 150€ for the box seats, 125€ for the preference sector and 100€ for the places behind the goals. In these prices is also included a free entry for the youngsters up to 5-year-old and that makes this a perfect occasion for all the families of Granada that don’t like to see an important match like this on the TV screen. It Is possible to buy the tickets in the ticket window of the stadium, in the official shop of Granada FC in the shopping center Neptuno or in the official page of Granada FC (www.granadaonline.es). The ticket window of the stadium will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and the day of the match from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m., time in which the match will start.
There are all the requisite to see a great and thrilling match, don’t miss it!