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Idea Activities Program for Summer 2011

From IDEA, we present our Educational and Interpretive Program for individuals, designed for a generic public, for individuals or small groups of friends or relatives who are interested in participating in any of our various activities.

As you can see below, our offer includes projects taking place in daylight hours during weekends and public holidays (The 4 Seasons) and at night (Eyes of the Night). In addition we continue with the Open Program that develop specific activities of other fields.

To participate in the activities of this program, you are required to register as a Friend of IDEA and make the reservation by sending the mandatory Activity Registration Form. You can also book by phone at 670 309 056.


These guied visits have been organized to let you know the urban and natural Granadian Patrimony.

2/7 El Bosque de la Alhambra
9 /7 El Desconocido Realejo
16/7 El Agua del Albayzín
23/7 El Sacromonte
30/7 El Carmen de los Mártires
6/8 El Centro de Granada
13/8 El Bosque de la Alhambra
20/8 El Desconocido Realejo
27/8 El Sacromonte
10/9 El Agua del Albayzín
17/9 El Carmen de los Mártires
24/9 El Sacromonte

3/7 Paraje Natural Maro Cerro Gordo y Playa
21/8 Acequia de Aynadamar y Federico García Lorca
18/9 Incendios Forestales y Trincheras del Maúllo
25/9 La Vereda de la Estrella

It follows in Autumn


IDEA wants present you a different night, to enjoy Granada in the night. We’ll walk, explore and discover the city and its history, with the Eyes of the night.


1 El Centro de Granada
 2 Cerro San Miguel-Albayzín
8 El Bosque de la Alhambra 
9 El Agua del Albayzín
15 La Vega de Granada     
16 El Desconocido Realejo
22 El Centro de Granada
 27 Cerro San Miguel-Albayzín    
29 El Agua del Albayzín

5 El Bosque de la Alhambra
10 El Desconocido Realejo
12 Cerro San Miguel-Albayzín
19 El Centro de Granada
24 El Agua del Albayzín
26 El Bosque de la Alhambra
2 Cerro San Miguel-Albayzín
7 El Desconocido Realejo
9 El Bosque de la Alhambra
16 Un Rodeo a la Sabika
17 Cerro San Miguel-Albayzín
23 El Agua del Albayzín
24 El Centro de Granada
30 El Desconocido Realejo

It follows in Autumn

This summer:

  • Routes Eyes of the Night: Friday and Saturday at 20:00 h (also some Wednesdays too).
  • The 4 Seasons Routes: Weekends during daytime hours (time according to walks, watch web).
  • Urban routes Rates: 9 € (12 € for Sacromonte).
  • Environmental routes rates: 11€-13 € depending on the walk (including journey).
  • Only Offers for Friends of IDEA and reservation on the web: Students, Seniors, Youth Card, Disabled, Unemployed, Granada City Pass Card and Friend of Memory Museum of Andalusia(which can prove this condition).
    Price: € 7 urban routes (3 € extra for Sacromonte).
    Price: € 1 rate at least for envoronmental routes (including journey).

    We meet at the departure point. Places are limited by capacity.
    Compulsory Reserve on the web or 670 309 056.


For further information, please contact:


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