On October 20th the INTERNATIONAL YOUNG FILMMAKERS FESTIVAL OF GRANADA , which will take place from October 22nd to 29th , and the activities included in its program for the edition of 2011 have been presented at a press conference. The presentation of the Festival, which took place in the Granada City Hall, was attended by the Councilor for Youth City Council of Granada, D. Juan Francisco Gutierrez, the Culture representative, D. Jose Antonio Gonzalez Alcala, the Provincial Coordinator of the Andalusian Institute of Youth in Granada, D. Guillermo Quero and the director of the International Festival of Young Filmmakers of Granada, D. Emilio Egea.
At its 18th edition, FIJR (Festival Internacional de Jóvenes Realizadores), which is organized by the Youth Council of the City of Granada and it is supported by the Department of Culture, Granada Delegation and the Andalusian Youth Institute, will be, once again the showcase of fresh and innovative international and national productions of short movies.
From October 22nd and 29th, the FIJR will show a selection of 170 films of very different natures that cover the widest possible range of techniques and suggestions film formats, from major productions selected for Oscar to risky low-budget works, taking in consideration also stereoscopic short films. In short, a melting pot of interesting proposals can only be seen in our city during the festival week.
In the press conference the prizes that will be awarded in this edition have been shown. The Councilor for Youth City Council of Granada, D. Juan Francisco Gutierrez, said that “a great effort has been made to keep the amount of the awards, which is essential in an international festival like this. They are very attractive prizes, and they call for the participation of filmmakers from around the world. It is clear that we must make this effort again and continue working on it. ”
The awards will be distributed in this edition are:
- Prize to the best Fiction short Movie, 7.000 euros.
- Prize to the best Animation short Movie, 3.000 euros.
- Prize “Val del Omar” to the best short movie for SINFIN category, 4.500 euros. Awarded by Granada Deputation.
- Prize to the best Andalusian short movie, 1.500 euros
- Awarded by RTVA and Obra Social of Cajasol.
- Prize to the best National short movie, 3.000.
- Prize to the best Granadian short movie, 1.000.
Granada, thanks to its fascinating history and exceptional geographical location, makes a magnificent film set. Our beautiful city is also an extraordinary place to hold a cinema event, encounters between young professionals and the public, of the calibre of the INTERNATIONAL YOUNG FILMMAKERS FESTIVAL OF GRANADA.
We are very aware of the positive evolution and attention that this event has enjoyed for years, not only at the local level but also at the regional, national and international levels, which has made it a referent among European festivals devoted to short films and the work of young filmmakers.
Our ambition is to contribute in a decisive way to making Granada a city in which cinematographic and audiovisual culture and production play a larger and larger role. We are working to make this happen .We want to export GRANADA to the four corners of the earth and we are doing everything in our hands to make this possible.
We encourage all of you to participate in this year’s INTERNATIONAL YOUNG FILMMAKERS FESTIVAL OF GRANADA. You will find little gems to everyone’s liking, a wide variety of contents in which people of all types and all ages will find something to delight them. I am sure that the works screened will move you, amuse you and also make you think.