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The legend of the non-death of Lorca

Surely you know something about Federico García Lorca. Undoubtedly, since his body could not been found, there are a lot of legends about his death. We tell you one of the most known, the legend of the undeath of Lorca came out thanks to the journalist Haro Vallejo.

Who was Lorca?

When we talk about Federico García Lorca, he is the most influential poet of the last century. With a great work that goes from poetry and literature to pieces of drama that joined the most importance. Only Valle-Inclán can equal the success of these Lorca’s plays in Spain.

Federico was born in a wealthy family of Fuente Vaqueros, in the Grenadian Vega , where his father had a property. His mother, teacher of school, inculcates in him the taste in art and she was a point of inspiration for the artist.

The poet, who studied in the University of Granada and made friendship with some people in the city of Granada, he made part of the Generation of ’27, with other great names like Vicente Aleixandre, Rafael Alberti, Gerardo Diego or Luis Cernuda, and much more. His friendship with important people is famous, as with Luis Buñuel o Salvador Dalí.

Lorca after his death

The legend of the non-death of Lorca- Legends of Granada

After the coup of 1936, Federico García Lorca was reclused in Huerta San Vicente, the house-museum situated in the actual Parco Federico García Lorca. Condemned for his friendship with Fernando de los Ríos, for political reasons and for his homosexuality, he was shot during the Spanish civil war by a group born on 18 August of 1936 in Viznar.

His authentic style, if not original, it has inspired and still inspire a lot of artists. In the Flamenco and the popular, andalucian culture continue being one of the most honored figures.

The undeath of Lorca

As a lot of other dead of civil war, his corpse was buried in a grave near to Víznar and Alfacar and they don’t succeed in getting it back. For this reason it came up legends like this of the journalist Haro Vallejo.

It tells that from Alfacar, village of bakers, someone got out towards Víznar and on the road he found the poet’s body, badly hurt but still alive. He helped Lorca and took him to the San Bartolomé’s convent, in the Albaicín.

Haro Vallejo tells that Lorca would live there renamed Manolo and with a completely destroyed mind because of firing-squad’s injuries. In 1954 he died and only 20 years later we can know this story because Haro recognized the poet in a recording of the newsreel.

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