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ELE professor training course (Spanish as a foreign language)

iNMSOL offers, in addition to Spanish courses for foreigners, courses for native ELE professors, for all who want to learn to teach Spanish.

These courses have a practical and theoretical character. Among  the main objectives of the course: the importance of familiarizing  with conceptual and methodological aspects that are the basis of Spanish language teaching. Analyze the role of a professor / pupil in the teaching process; plan a lesson session and run them efficiently; and observe and reflect on the skills of Spanish teachers.

The course is shaped over 6 weeks (120 lessons), has a practical orientation and is composed of modules divided into a theoretical part and a practical part that takes place within an authorized classroom. Both modules last 40 sessions (4 lessons, each 45 minutes per day).

To whom is this course addressed?

The ELE course is aimed at:

  • university students who are about to complete their studies and see the teaching of Spanish as another professional future career.
  • to novice professors, or people who are professionally trained in teaching Spanish.
  • Experienced professors in this field who need to update and familiarize themselves with the new teaching methods of Spanish and teaching materials.
  • to foreign professors from Spain. The required Spanish level is C1 / C2.

Starting dates of 2018:

08.01.2018 – 16.02.2018 – Intensive: lasts 6 weeks

19.02.2018 – 30.03.2018 – Intensive: lasts 6 weeks

02.04.2018 – 11.05.2018 – Intensive: lasts 6 weeks

14.05.2018 – 22.06.2018 – Intensive: lasts 6 weeks

02.07.2018 – 27.07.2018 – Super intensive: lasts 4 weeks

06.08.2018 – 31.08.2018 – Super intensive: lasts 4 weeks

03.09.2018 – 28.09.2018 – Super intensive: lasts 4 weeks

01.10.2018 – 09.11.2018 – Intensive: lasts 6 weeks

12.11.2018 – 21.12.2018 – Intensive: lasts 6 weeks


At the end of the training course for ELE professors, all participants will receive a final certificate. For this reason, you should have attended at least 85% of each module. This certificate will feature the logo of the Cervantes Institute given our quality of center accredited by this institution.

For more information and prices visit our web site:
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