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What Spanglish is?

SpanglishThe languages live and change permanently, but also influence on other languages. It is not possible to keep them in the same state all the time. That´ s why the languages are so interesting and we want to learn to speak Spanish, English, French, etc.

Sometimes the combination of two strong languages forms a hybrid language which is informal and unofficial. The linguistic purists don´t accept this variety of language, however, they have to admit that the people use these forms very often in different ways.

On the basis of the interaction between Spanish and English was created a hybrid language called Spanglish. Do you know this combination?

It is not a dialect. It is not a creole of Spanish. It is not a pidgin. It is not a language on its own.

What is Spanglish?

The term “Spanglish” was coined by a linguist Salvador Tió in the late 1940s.

Spanglish appears in the speech of the people who speak Spanish and English. Some of them are Spanish native speakers, the others- English native speakers. There are a lot of calques, loan words, words from both languages, etc.

Do you already know what the Spanglish is? Look at the examples!

Some words in Spanglish:

  • ir de shopping (Spanish: ir de compras, English: to go shopping)
  • forgetear (Spanish: olvidar, English: forget)
  • apointment (Spanish: cita, English: appointment)

Several sentences:

  • María recientemente tuvo un baby y está bien cute!
  • María va a chequear al baby que va a babysit por la noche.
  • Mi boss me pagó con cash por haber trabajado overtime.
  • José trabajó overtime la semana pasada.
  • Cuando fui a comprar un carro en el dealer, el salesman me ofreció un deal muy bueno.


  • Anita: «Hola, good morning, ¿cómo estás?»
  • Mark: «Fine, y tú?»
  • Anita: «Todo bien. Pero tuve problemas parqueando my car this morning
  • Mark: «Sí, I know. Siempre hay problemas parqueando in el área at this time».


  • Carlos: «Hey, Ana, préstame tu cellphone
  • Ana: «No way! No tengo carga, honey
  • Carlos: «Ya veo por qué, te gastaste toda la moneyen lookearlo
  • Ana: «Yeah, pero quedó supercool»

What do you think about these linguistic forms?

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