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Learning Spanish

Learning Spanish: cultural notes, events, grammar, vocabulary and phrases

We have a new grammar tutorial for you!

We have just published a new grammar lesson in our You Tube channel.     In our grammar tutorials playlist in You Tube we publish short videos explaining diverse Spanish grammar topics for the different Spanish levels.     In our new tutorial for the

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Advise to keep a conversation in Spanish

5 Tips to feel at ease in a conversation in Spanish

Learning Spanish is a great benefit; there are over 400 million Spanish speakers worldwide. But when you’re just starting out learning how to speak the language, it can be intimidating to hold a conversation in Spanish with a native speaker. As a Spanish speaker by

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Reasons to get DELE diploma

Reasons to get the DELE diploma

If you have ever had a desire to learn proper Spanish as a foreign language, look no further than iNMSOL. Our courses enable you to learn Spanish in Spain, the tongue’s motherland.

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