Corpus Fair 2023
Discover an important festival in Granada: the Corpus Fair 2023. Many religious and pagan events will accompany the citizens for a week.
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The city of Granada is full of charming corners that have given rise to countless legends, some real and others that come from generation to generation for years and it has not been possible to verify if they are real or not, but all of them legends that we are immersed in other times and cultures.
In this section, from iNMSOL, we intend to become a participant in these various legends, and enjoy both of them as we are contándotelas.
Discover an important festival in Granada: the Corpus Fair 2023. Many religious and pagan events will accompany the citizens for a week.
When we speak of legends, we are referring to those very old tales, such as myths, fables and fairy tales, which all belong to the cultural heritage of a population. These stories are typical of the oral tradition and combine real narrative elements with wonderful
“Dale limosna, mujer, que no hay en la vida nada como la pena de ser ciego en Granada”. Among the famous phrases about our beautiful city, Granada, there are certainly the words of Francisco de Icaza: “Give him alms, woman, there is nothing in life
The city of Granada in the art.
Many are the works and songs that have been born by and for Granada, an element of inspiration
Today iNMSOL is going to tell you the story behind a word people in Granada widely use: “malafollá”. Do you know its origin and what it means? It is the description of one of the most genuine aspects of these citizens’ character. The word “follá”
We tell you one of the most known legend about Lorca’s death in which it is said that the poet was still alive and he changed his identity.
We talk about one of the most famous legends of Alpujarra.
Discover the story of “The Devil’s broom” on our blog.
We talk about one of the most needed legendary being in the Mythology of Andalusia, the mono careto which lives on the mountains of Sierra Nevada.
Es Saheli, poet and manufacture of mosquee from Granada, was a very important figure in the Islamic world and he deserves to be remembered.
It is said that in Granada 3 cultures coexited due to the fact that we can visit different quarters throughout the city.
Is that true?