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Following the wind of language change

Welcome language enthusiasts to this journey into the vast ocean of Spanish. In this digital age of globalization and cultural revolutions, it is clear that language is also constantly evolving through linguistic changes. But what exactly is happening? Where are we heading?  We at iNMSOL want

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Linguistic cognates in Spanish: be careful!

“That sounds familiar!” We’ve all said it at least once after hearing a word in a foreign language similar to one in our native tongue. This is where cognates come in: those words that share an etymological origin and resemble each other between different languages.Beware,

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Reflexive verbs in Spanish: an adventure for students

Reflexive verbs  Spanish, with its wide range of expressive verbs, can appear enigmatic to students. At the heart of this linguistic maze, reflexive verbs emerge as a particular challenge. However, do not  fear students. Our mission is to reveal the mysteries of these verbs and

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Polysemy in Spanish: the dance of words

Polysemy   Imagine you are on a dance floor. Tango, salsa, flamenco: each has different steps. What if I told you that a word in Spanish can dance the same way, changing its meaning according to the rhythm of the context?   Welcome to the

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