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Online Spanish courses

We have a specific catalog of online courses! The online mode is not only a platform from which to download information: this option will allow you to attend live lessons, being in contact with the teacher during the full lessons, and without leaving home if this is your only option. The students will only need a device connected to the internet (mobile, tablet, computer) to join classes using Meets app (for free) at the time indicated by their teacher. In addition to the live lessons, you will be allowed to access the documents and tasks that the teacher prepares through the Classroom app.

Our teachers will maintain all standards regarding the quality and management of these courses. The student will feel as if he were attending in a real way! These courses include:

Flexible solutions to the new situation

The world presents us with a new situation. And in order to adapt to it,  iNMSOL launches this type of course, that gives our students more flexibility!

Advantages of online Spanish courses

Follow our online courses and:

  1. Learn Spanish from the safety and comfort of your home, from any city or country.
  2. Don’t give up on quality: learn with the guarantee offered by our Instituto Cervantes-accredited center, and our highly qualified native teachers.

Make the most of your free time to improve your Spanish level!

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