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Exams and Certificates


At the end of the Spanish course, participants will receive an iNMSOL Attendance Certificate, free of charge, specifying the duration of the course, the achieved level and the total number of  Spanish classes. To get it, it’s necessary to attend an 80% minimum of classes.

If required, participants could also receive an iNMSOL Aptitude Certificate. In this case, students have to pass an exam that iNMSOL will elaborate and evaluate.


Instituto Mediterráneo Sol is a FEDELE Centre and therefore it participates for the organisation of DELE exams in Granada. It can carry out the following exams:

  • D.E.L.E. (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera) Exams: Instituto Mediterráneo Sol is a FEDELE Granada centre, organizer and official examination center of the Instituto Cervantes D.E.L.E. diplomas in this city, for the regular examination dates. Our school also offers preparatory DELE courses all over the year and from one week.
  • The Chamber of Commerce in Madrid’s exams (Cámara de Comercio de Madrid) for Commercial, Medical and Tourism Spanish. These exams can take place on any date, depending on the number of students interested in it.

Legal information about Private Schools

“Not regulated teaching Agreement”

As all the private schools whose rules aren’t imposed by the government, Instituto Mediterráneo Sol has its own certificates (attendance and aptitude), that means that they neither are issued nor recognised by any official organization.

Instituto Mediterráneo Sol is a centre not owned by Consejería de Educación and Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía or any other public organization.

Even so:

The levels in our Attendance and Aptitude Certificates, as the course programme and the general and specific goals per level that we want to achieve through the same, fit the European Common Reference Framework for Languages and the Curricula Plan of Instituto Cervantes.

Since 2002 Instituto Mediterráneo Sol has been an Instituto Cervantes Accredited Teaching Centre (1) (2) for the teaching of Spanish as a second language, this means that it fulfills the conditions that have been stated by the Accreditation System of ELE (Spanish as a foreign language) centers. This is the only one international accreditation exclusively focused on the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

(1) The Instituto Cervantes was set up by Spain in 1991 to promote and teach Spanish and spread the culture of Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.

–    President of Honour: His Majesty the King of Spain

–    Esecutive president: Head of Government

–    The Administrative board assimilates some representatives of  Ministries as Foreign Affairs, Education and Science, Culture, Economics and Finance as some of Patronage.

More information at

(2) Why study Spanish in an Associate or Accredited Centre of the Instituto Cervantes?

Accredited or Associate Centers:

– Meet certain quality standards in the teaching of Spanish

– Meet the legal requirements for carrying out teaching activities

– Have adequate teaching resources

– Have a properly qualified and trained teaching team

– Have a teaching plan guaranteeing satisfactory progress

– Set a maximum number of students per class

– Issue certificates

– Present publicity which reflects accurately the services offered

– Outline course and supplementary services fees clearly

– Address complaints

The Instituto Cervantes carries out periodic inspections and renews accreditation permits every three years.

Only Accredited and Associate Centers may use Instituto Cervantes logos.


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