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Fees and registration procedure

The fees of this Selectividad EBAU program is 3508€.

The following services are included on these fees:


This program takes place:

  • From November until mid-May (7 months approx.). *Please contact the school’s availability for different dates.

Additional services available

In addition to these services, we make a catalogue of additional services available to students. These supplements can be requested separately and will be added to the general price of the program:

1. EBAU registration management with UNED

If you want iNMSOL to help you process the registration for the EBAU exam, we can help you.

Price = €35 per process

2. Sending the visa documentation by private service

We can organize the delivery of your documentation through a private courier service, with NACEX company. The price of this service varies, depending on the weight of the letter and the destination country.

Price = €40 – €100

3. Additional individual lessons

If you need to put more effort into certain aspects or need extra support, we can offer you personalized individual lessons. These lessons can be added to your current program.

Price = €26.80 per lesson (45 minutes/lesson)

4. DELE exam

If you want to obtain a DELE official certificate, in addition to the certificates offered by iNMSOL, you will be able to enroll and take the exam with us on certain dates. We will inform you of the most suitable level for you, and the possible exam dates according to your stay.

Exam price according to level: A1 (€ 108), A2 (€ 130), B1 (€ 160), B2 (€ 190), C1 (€ 205) or C2 (€ 220). Prices valid until the end of 2021.

5. SIELE exam

If you want to obtain a SIELE official certificate, in addition to the certificates offered by iNMSOL, you will be able to enroll and take the exam with us with total flexibility.

SIELE Global

6. Possibility of validation with ECTS credits

We also offer the possibility of validating your Spanish course (the ELE Spanish part) for ECTS credits (please check more detailed information here.)

7. Accommodation in a shared apartment

It is possible to reserve accommodation before your arrival through iNMSOL. We offer you to book a single room in a shared flat with other international students (see more details here).

Minimum stay of 1 month (4 weeks): 4 weeks (€451) + 20€ (bed linen). Price per extra month (€451).

General conditions according to the number of participants

The minimum number of participants in this program is 3 students. In the case of fewer participants, the program may be offered applying the following terms:

  • When there is only 1 participant: you will receive 50% of the lessons of the total program, as one-to-one lessons (for no extra cost).
  • If there are 2 participants: each one will receive 75% of the lessons of the program, as semi-private lessons (1 teacher / 2 students, for no extra cost).
  • For 3 or more participants: all them will receive 100% of the classes of the total group program.

Discounts for groups

For groups of students who want to start the program during the same session, we will offer the following discounts for groups:

5 to 7 students, 10% discount
8 to 10 students, 15% discount
Groups of 11 students or more, 20% discount

Registration procedure


Fill out our registration form.


Select the course “Selectividad EBAU”. Then add the personal details required.


Send a copy of your passport by email (


When we receive your form and passport, we will contact you in order to set the payment method. Check our payment conditions here.


Once we have your registration, payment and passport, we will proceed to confirm your enrollment and send you the documents for your visa application.


We will keep in touch to send you additional information until your arrival to Granada and the start of your program.

We look forward to meet you!

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