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VI. Cours de Préparation au Diplôme d’Espagnol comme Langue Étrangère (DELE)

  • Compréhension d’Écoute
  • Expression Orale
  • Compréhension de Lecture
  • Utilisation de la Langue
  • Écriture

There are six levels, according to the European Common Reference Framework for Languages: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.
iNMSOL offers preparatory courses for the Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (D.E.L.E.) exams. This course has 2 or 4 classes / day specifically centred in familiarizing participants with the 5 different tests involved in the exam:

  • Oral Expression
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Use of Language
  • Writing
  • Written comprehension

It is necessary that participants have already approximately the level of the exam they wish to do. If not, iNMSOL will inform about the best option for them.
*The choice of two daily classes has the same program but it’s more extensive. This option is supposed to be a supplement to one of our Spanish language courses thaught at iNMSOL on that moment. However, you can enrol only in this course.
(Examination charges are not included in the price of the course but we can arrange the papers for the inscription and provide participants with all the information about the dates and time of the different exams, etc. because we are a FEDELE Granada centre, organizer of DELE of Instituto Cervantes in this city).

All the 4 skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are covered in the course.

  • Listening
  • Oral expression and interaction
  • Reading comprehension
  • Written expression and interaction

Level A1


Users exchange brief information with questions and answers, within a clear and concrete communicative context.

Level A2


Users understand, communicate and express themselves in spoken and written Spanish, using a simple language in daily situations and cultural aspects.

Level B1


Users understand and are able to express themselves in communicative contexts, in their everyday life, knowing how to solve problems by themselves.

Level B2


Users understand and express themselves in general situations where there is an exchange of information. They express personal attitudes on subjects that are familiar for them or iwhich they are interested in and they speak about their experiences too.

Level C1


Users understand and express themselves in different situations with complex linguistic structures – still controlled -, with fluency and in a spontaneous way.

Level C2


Users express themselves in an suitable form in any situation, controlling linguistic and cultural elements of a native speaker and discerning meaning nuances.

Starting Dates

Any Monday, throughout the year.

Min. Duration

1 week.

Duration of each lesson



Morning: from 9/11/12.45


Prices from 120,00 € / one week. Final price. No registration fee.


Daily activity program and week end excursions. See a sample of activity program and excursions.


  • In shared flat, double room. From 85 € / week. Final price. No registration fee.
  • In shared flat,, single room. From 95 € / week. Final price. No registration fee.
  • In Spanish familiy, full board, double room. 32 € / night. Final price. No registration fee.
  • In Spanish familiy, full board, single room. 35 € / night. Final price. No registration fee.
  • In Spanish familiy, half  board, double room. 28 € / night. Final price. No registration fee.
  • In Spanish familiy, half board, single room. 30 € / night. Final price. No registration fee.
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