- Host family
- Shared flat
- Hotel/hostel/private touristic apartment
Find below the general aspects that you should keep in mind if you want to book your accommodation.
Create your personal account in our website and:
Creating an account is very easy:
Find below the general aspects that you should keep in mind if you want to book your accommodation.
Instituto Mediterráneo Sol will always act as an intermediary for accommodation services, since they are a complementary service to our main activity. iNMSOL students can request the accommodation reservation through our registration form. This form will act as a contract, that is why both parties agree to abide by its terms and conditions:
Before arriving in Granada, students will receive all the necessary information to prepare their trip. iNMSOL will send, together with the confirmation of the services, the following information:
On the other hand, students must inform iNMSOL in advance of the following:
If you are registered in any of our Spanish and culture courses we will be able to advise you about how to plan your reservation. Reservation periods can be flexible, depending on the accommodation type:
This type of accommodation can be reserved for days:
it means that you can select the exact days that you need. Our advise is, at least, to book from the night before the course starts (Sunday) until the morning after the end of your course (Saturday).
This accommodation must be reserved for full weeks. A week goes from the Sunday before the start of the course to the Saturday after the end of it. You can also add the extra nights of your choice.
For reservations of hotels, hostels or private touristic apartments, the reservation will be à la carte. In this case, the student will ask for the specific dates. Then, the student will receive the total cost of the proposed stay.
If you want to participate in the experience of living with foreign students, please contact us! We will be happy to interview you and to visit your accommodation