The teaching is carried out only in Spanish and without using any other language, developing a direct, situational and communicative method and looking for mental associations between the concept and the word in Spanish.
Vocabulary and grammar are studied in a contextual way, placing particular emphasis on the students’ participation both in the oral and in the written production. Teachers use exercises on the different grammatical structures, dictations, readings paying special attention on the phonetics and pronunciation, etc. creating controlled and free conversation, always with the teacher’s corrections. Every programme has been worked out following the directives of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages (Council of Europe) and the Curricula Plan of the Cervantes Institute.
Before starting the Spanish lessons participants will undergo the Instituto Mediterráneo Sol “placement or language test“. As the classes are structured in blocks depending on the number of lessons of the course, one more grammatical and others more of oral production, there could be the possibility of differentiating the levels between both parts. Therefore participants could join two different groups depending on their levels of Spanish grammar and Spanish conversation and vocabulary.
Every week, groups (levels) will be “open” until Tuesday. There is the possibility of changing group, if both the teacher and the head of Studies consider it necessary and / or convenient.