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Empanada with meat and vegetable

Preparation Method

How to cook a tasty meat and vegetable empanada?


STEP 1: wash all the vegetables and cut them into cubes. Fry them in a little oil and salt.

STEP 2: once we have the vegetables poached, add 3 tablespoons of fried tomato and the meat and when we start to see it change colour add a glass of coffee, wine. Let it reduce.

STEP 3: prepare the homemade shortcrust pastry or roll out the two sheets of purchased pastry. Roll them out well with a rolling pin and set aside.

STEP 4: we finish baking our filling and spread it over the pastry, leaving a centimetre and a half free to seal it later.

STEP 5: once rolled out, we cover with the other sheet of dough and seal the edges by forming a cordon with the two sheets.

STEP 6: using a fork, pierce the entire base of the pastry and paint it with beaten egg.

STEP 7: preheat the oven to 225° and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Empanada with meat and vegetable



300 g of mixed minced meat 1 small aubergine 1 small courgette 1 onion 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 3 tablespoons tomato sauce 2 sheets of shortcrust pastry white wine 1 beaten egg
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