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Levels of Spanish of iNMSOL courses

Unsere Kurse sind gemäß dem gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen in 6 Niveaustufen eingeteilt, denen der Schüler nach Ermittlung seines Kenntnisstands zugeordnet werden kann. Ebenso wurden unsere Programme in übereinstimmung mit dem Curriculum des Instituto Cervantes ausgearbeitet.

Es gibt folgende Niveaustufen:

The determination of the level of each iNMSOL’ student is carried out following the following procedure:

1 iNMSOL will ask each student for our online level test. With this test we will know the approximate level in written expression. Therefore, the result will be used to assign you a provisional class group. Each student must send the test one week before the start of their course, at lastest.
2 On the first day of the course, the student will have a speaking test with our Head of Studies. Upon knowing the student’s oral expression, we will assign the student the final class group
3 During the first day of class, the teachers will observe the adaptation of the student and will propose changes to Direction, if necessary. The student will be able to share his/her impressions of the assigned level, too.

Levels of Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR)

These are the general levels established by the CEFR

Niveau A1


Der Schüler kann mit Hilfe von kurzen Fragen und Antworten innerhalb eines klaren und konkreten Kommunikationszusammenhangs Informationen austauschen. (DELE A1)

Niveau A2


Der Schüler ist in der Lage, zu verstehen und sich in gesprochenem und geschriebenem Spanisch, unter Verwendung einer einfachen Sprache, zu Alltagssituationen und kulturellen Gegebenheiten zu äußern. (DELE A2)

Niveau B1


Der Schüler versteht und kann sich in kommunikativen Zusammenhängen in seiner vertrauten Umgebung verständigen und dabei eigenständig Proleme lösen. (DELE B1)

Niveau B2


Der Schüler versteht und kann sich selbstständig in Situationen ausdrücken, in denen es zu einem Informationsaustausch kommt. Er äußert persönliche Ansichten über Themen, die ihm vertraut sind oder ihn interessieren, und spricht über Erfahrungen. (DELE B2)

Niveau C1


Der Schüler versteht und spricht in diversen Situationen unter Verwendung komplexer linguistischer Strukturen flüssig und spontan. (DELE C1)

Niveau C2


Der Schüler drückt sich in allen Situationen angemessen aus, beherrscht sprachliche und kulturelle Besonderheiten wie ein Muttersprachler und erkennt feine Bedeutungsunterschiede. (DELE C2)

Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen

These are the general objectives by levels that users will achieve

Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen:

A1 Einführung (Breakthrough)

  • He is able to understand and use frequently used everyday expressions as well as simple phrases designed to satisfy immediate needs.
  • You can introduce yourself and others, ask for and give basic personal information about your address, your belongings, and the people you know.
  • You can relate in an elementary way, as long as the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.

A2 Plattform (Waystage)

  • The student is able to understand frequently used phrases and expressions related to areas of expertise that are especially relevant to him/her (basic information about herself and her family, shopping, places of interest, occupations, etc.).
  • He/she knows how to communicate when carrying out simple, everyday tasks that do not require more than simple and direct exchanges of information on familiar or common issues.
  • The student can describe in simple terms aspects of his past and surroundings as well as matters related to his immediate needs.


B1 Grenzbereich (Threshold)

  • The student is able to understand the main points of clear texts and in standard language if they deal with familiar issues, whether in work, study or leisure situations.
  • He/she knows how to deal with most of the situations that may arise during a trip through areas where the language is used.
  • The student can produce simple and coherent texts on topics that are familiar to you or in which you have a personal interest.
  • The student can describe experiences, events, wishes and aspirations, as well as briefly justify your opinions or explain your plans.

B2 Fortgeschritten (Vantage)

  • He/she is able to understand the main ideas of complex texts that deal with both concrete and abstract topics. Even if they are of a technical nature as long as they are within his field of expertise.
  • The student can interact with native speakers with a sufficient degree of fluency and naturalness so that communication is carried out without effort on the part of any of the interlocutors.
  • The student can produce clear and detailed text on a variety of topics as well as defend a point of view on general topics by indicating the pros and cons of different options.


C1 Aktiver Umgang und Beherrschung (Effective Operational Proficiency)

  • The student is able to understand a wide variety of demanding and long texts, as well as recognize implicit meanings.
  • He/she can express himself fluently and spontaneously without very obvious signs of effort to find the right expression.
  • The student can make flexible and effective use of language for social, academic and professional purposes.
  • He7she can produce clear, well structured and detailed texts on topics of a certain complexity, showing a correct use of the mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion of the text.

C2 Mastery (Mastery)

  • Can easily understand almost everything that she hears or reads.
  • Can reconstruct information and arguments from various sources, whether in spoken or written language. They can also present them in a coherent and summarized manner.
  • The student can express himself spontaneously, with great fluency and with a degree of precision that allows you to differentiate small nuances of meaning even in more complex situations.

Curriculum structure

It is possible to estimate the average time required to move from one level to another. The following table shows the average number of teaching hours required to complete each level:

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