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How you could spend your time in Granada during the Holy Week besides religious procession?

Surely, the religious processions are the main events that you can find during the Holy Week. However, if you want to move towards a different kind of culture, we’re going to tell you what you can do in Granada.

How you could spend your time in Granada during the Holy Week?


If you love movies and you’re interested in Spanish culture, Pedro Almovodar’s movies can be a good solution for you. Currently, there is a movie on the schedule you cannot miss: Dolor y gloria”. You can watch this movie in every shopping mall in Granada. Moreover, keep in mind every Wednesday you can benefit from ticket discount because of spectator’s day.


The microteatro is one of the most important artistic expressions of Granada. This Thursday, for istance, you can watch thr comedy: Hablando de corazon. You can find this microteatro in a side street by Gran Via: calle Marques de Falces


Since Christmas, we’ve had enough time to enjoy the Manuel Gomez-Moreno Gonzalez work, at CajaGranada exhibition center, in the building of Teatro Isabel La Catolica. On the Sunday, the last day of Holy Week, it also will be the last day to enjoy this exposition, so called: Manuel Gómez-Moreno González. Arte y pensamiento.

In addition, we reccomend you to visit the Centro de Arte Jose Guerrero, where you can find very interesting expositions.


Granada is not known only for its history and monuments but also for its parties and pubs. Some pubs, as the Lemon Rock, have been a point of reference  of the granadian culture for years. If you don’t know it, you can see one of its live-music events or enjoy its roof. Another well-known place where listen to some good music is the amazing Planta Baja.

Anyway, if you live in Granda and you haven’t been yet at las cuevas del Sacromonte for a flamenco night-show, you have to do it. Usually, these shows are more expensive than the others above mentioned, but they are fantastic, we promise you!


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