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Celebration of the Three Kings in Granada

The Three Kings in Granada: the most special day of the year is here!  Here’s everything you need to know about the celebration of the Three Kings’ Day.

In Granada, as in all of Spain, we celebrated it on January 6. Want to know how we celebrate it?


The Origin of the Celebration of the Three Kings

The celebration of the Three Kings, also known as the Epiphany of the Lord, is celebrated in Spain every January 6. This Christian tradition describes the visit of three wise men from the East to the infant Jesus, guided by a star. These Kings offered gold, frankincense, and myrrh as symbols of his royalty, divinity, and humanity. Their names are Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar.

In Spain, Three Kings’ Day represents a moment of joy, generosity, and togetherness, marking the close of the Christmas celebrations.

Evolution of the Tradition: The Three Kings Parade

The custom of the Three Kings Parade, as it is known today, emerged in the 19th century. These parades take place on the streets of cities across Spain, symbolizing the arrival of the Three Kings to deliver gifts. It is common for the Kings to throw candies from their floats. Gifts are typically found under the tree on the morning of January 6.


Traditional Sweet: Roscón de Reyes

The Roscón de Reyes is the traditional sweet enjoyed on this day. This ring-shaped cake, decorated with candied fruits, contains a small figurine (usually a king) and a dry bean hidden inside. According to tradition, whoever finds the figurine becomes “the king of the house” for the day, while the person who finds the bean must pay for the next roscón.


The Parade Celebration: the Three Kings in Granada

The city of Granada is preparing to celebrate Three Kings’ Day 2025 with various activities, highlighted by the traditional Three Kings Parade on Sunday, January 5.

Date and Time: Sunday, January 5, 2025, starting at 5:30 PM.

Route: The parade will begin at the Gran Capitán Cultural Center and follow this route:

  • San Juan de Dios
  • Gran Vía
  • Reyes Católicos
  • Puerta Real
  • Acera del Darro
  • Paseo del Violón
  • Plaza Rotary
  • Calle Profesor Tierno Galván
  • Camino de la Zubia
  • Fontiveros
  • Andrés Segovia
  • Poeta Manuel de Góngora
  • Acera del Darro
  • Puerta Real
  • Reyes Católicos
  • Conclusion at Plaza del Carmen around 8:30 PM.

Despite the forecast for rain, the parade will proceed as planned, with no changes to the date or route.

For mountain enthusiasts, the Sierra Nevada ski resort has organized special activities, including a torchlit descent on January 5 at 7:00 PM in Borreguiles.

Don’t miss this beautiful celebration! We hope the Three Kings bring you lots of gifts this year, greetings from iNMSOL!

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