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Cinema nights in Granada 2023

This year 2023, the Huerta de San Vicente, in Granada, has again become an open-air cinema and from iNMSOL we want to tell you what future films will be screened. You can not miss these cinema nights!

Last July 19, as every year, the city of Granada decided to start the summer cycle outdoors and, of course, to show the films in an emblematic place of the city, the Huerta de San Vicente, the most famous summer enclosure of the whole city, being the outside courtyard to the house museum of Federico García Lorca.

Huerta S. Vicente Cinema Nights


This year again, in the eleventh edition of movie nights, the films chosen have been classic. It is possible to enjoy them free of charge at 22 pm every Wednesday until August 30. Below, we want to give you more detailed information about the upcoming films.

Classic Films

Upcoming films

The next appointments in the Huerta de San Vicente, will see projected the following films from 22:00 hours:

  • August 16: Viento en las velas, Alexander MacKendrick, 1965

Original title A High Wind in Jamaica. Year 1965. Duration 103 min. Country United Kingdom. Directed by Alexander Mackendrick Guion Stanley Mann, Ronald Harwood, Denis Cannan. Novel: Richard Hughes Music Larry Adler Photography Douglas Slocombe Cast: Anthony Quinn, James Coburn, Dennis Price, Lila Kedrova, Gert Frobe, Nigel Davenport, Isabel Dean, Kenneth J. Warren, Benito Carruthers, Viviane Ventura, Trader Faulkner.

  • August 23: El extraño viaje, Fernando Fernán Gómez, 1964

Original title El extraño viaje Year 1964 Duration 98 min. Country Spain Directed by Fernando Fernán Gómez Guion Manuel Ruiz Castillo, Pedro Beltrán. Plot: Luis García Berlanga Music Cristóbal Halffter Photography José Fernández Aguayo (B&W) Cast: Carlos Larrañaga, Tota Alba, Lina Canalejas, Jesús Franco, Rafaela Aparicio, Luis Marín, Sara Lezana.

  • August 30: Bola de Fuego, Howard Hawks, 1941

Original title Ball of Fire. Year 1941. Duration 112 min. Country United States. Directed by Howard Hawks. Screenplay by Billy Wilder, Charles Brackett. History: Billy Wilder, Thomas Monroe Music Alfred Newman Photography Gregg Toland (B&W).

Outdoor Cinema


If you want more information about this program of cinema, scripts and reviews of these great classics, you can find them here.

Don’t miss the cinema nights in Granada!

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