DJs, fruit cocktails and photocall in a clothes shop; all this is going to be possible tonight between 8:00pm and 11:00pm in one hundred shops in the center of the city thanks to the third edition of the Granada está de moda (Granada in in fashion).
This year there are 114 participating shops: 14 more than the last year and 34 more than the first edition. The actual campaign managed to add shops situated in the Zaidín and Camino de Ronda, with the purpose to extend the event to all the barrios. Moreover the local government is organizing 25 music representation, dances, sport, touristic and photography tours and a raffle of five purchase check with the aim of promoting loyalty and to make the city seem a color explosion.
Fuente de las Batallas, Puerta Real, Plaza Bib-Rambla and Campo Verde are some of the sites in which the activities are going to be held. Moreover they are dedicated to both children and adults without any distinction on the age: from a flashmobe to flamenco dancing, from activities for the youngsters to a concert by Pablo Giménez…all the information about the event as also the associated shops can be find in the Facebook page Granada está de moda, on Twitter @GRestademoda and on Instagram where you can participate with the tag @granadaestademoda.