The plural form in Spanish is usually achieved by adding an ‘s’ or ‘es’ at the end of the noun/adjective.
es. casa : casas;
malo : malos;
español – españoles;
verdad : verdades;
cariñoso : cariñosos.
If a noun has an accent on the final syllable, then add ‘es’ and drop the accent.
es: cajón – cajones;
reunión : reuniones.
With nouns that end with a -z, add ‘es’ and turn the -z into -c.
es: luz : luces;
andaluz : andaluces.
Foreign words form the plural by adding an ‘s’, unless they end in -s; in that case, they just follow the general rule.
es: iceberg : icebergs;
record : records;
pass : passes.
Definite and indefinite articles:
el : los
la : las
un : unos
una : unas
If a group of more tan one element contains both masculine and femenine nouns, the masculine plural form is used.
es: 1 gato+2 gatas :tres gatos
Compunds nouns, which are nouns that are composed of two words, usually end with an -s in the singular form as well as in the plural. To make it plural, just change the article.
es: el pintalabios : los pintalabios;
el abrebotellas : los abrebotellas