We can talk about two different spaces in the use of the past tense in Spanish:
- HERE => Perfecto (the space where we are)
- THERE=> Indefinido (a past space)
Ambiguous expressions
Some expressions can be used with both past tense: “siempre, nunca, en la vida, alguna vez, muchas veces, en los últimos días…”
The difference is between HERE and THERE. The speaker decides to which moment alludes: the space where we are or the past space.
- Ex: “Siempre he estudiado el día antes del examen.”
HERE, until now. Within the unity of time. I follow doing it.
- Ej.: “Siempre estudié el día antes del examen.”
THERE, past space. Outside the unity of time. I don’t study anymore.
Immediate past
When we refer to a very close situation to the present moment, we use expressions like:
“ya, hace un rato/un momento/un minuto…”
In these cases, we use the pretérito perfecto, but we also can use the pretérito indefinido. We show things from a different point of view.
- Ej.: “Hace un rato he hablado con mi novio y me ha dicho que no viene.”
I’m HERE, inside the actual space.
- Ej.: “Hace un rato hablé con mi novio y me dijo que no viene.”
I’m THERE, outside the actual space, in the past.