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LEONOBLA CORAZÓN (by Gustafa Golimbeck)

It’s a great pleasure to present you a very important book for us: Leonobla Corazón, by Gustafa Golimbeck. Gustafa is a german author born in Wiesbaden, who moved to Spain a few years ago, and has done several Spanish courses at iNMSOL since November 2016.

As you can read in her biography, she has always had a deep “esteem for nature and good expression”, and this book is the best proof of that.

From the animals’ point of view, Leonobla corazón tries to describe the danger the Earth is living due to global warming. Indeed, who more than animals can notice how the Earth is changing? Therefore, this book seems to have the task of making us reflect on the importance of our planet and its preservation.

From the beginning Leonobla Corazón presents us an alarming situation, which greatly  concerns the animal kingdom. For this reason, the animals will try to react and make people react.

They describe the Earth as it was before and they remember it with melancholy, they wonder about the causes and consequences of this phenomenon, leaving us many intense and exciting reflections.

It’s an educational book, which aims to teach about values such as love, acceptance and respect for our planet and towards others.

“Leonobla Corazón” is a request for help to all generations. It is an invitation to know more about what is really happening. It is a fight for a more ecological and sustainable world.

We remind you that on Friday, May 17, the presentation will take place at the Granada Book Fair at 12:00, in the signature stand. You can buy the book in the Círculo Rojo stand (editorial of this publication), through Amazon and you can also do it here at iNMSOL.  The book costs € 14.

It is an honor for our institute to have students like Gustafa. People who pursue their dreams and who work hard to fulfill them. We humbly hope to have been part of her motivation. And we encourage all of our students to read this beautiful book.

Good luck, Gusty!



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